Bah Humbug Productions (BHP) was initially established primarily for the purpose of producing an annual presentation of the Charles Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol, that would benefit the Parkland College Theatre program. The firm, formed by Nicholas and Angela Schneider of Mahomet, Illinois, is a privately held Illinois Corporation. BHP produces plays now and then at various venues in the Champaign-Urbana-Monticello area.
Nicholas P. Schneider, President
Angela T. Schneider, Vice President
Joelle M. Scheg, Secretary
John Hutchens, Treasurer
The Champaign and Urbana area has a number of community theatre companies presenting year-around performances. Among those are:
Champaign Urbana Theatre Company
Station Theatre and the Celebration Company
Actors Rural Theatre Company (ARTCO)
Monticello Theatre Association
In addition to community theatre companies, The University of Illinois and the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts present a variety of artistic works throughout the year.